
Come meander with me on the pathless path of the Heart
in these anecdotal,
sometimes inspiring, sometimes personal meanderings of the Heart's opening in the every-day-ness of life...

Friday, November 30, 2012

Keeping Perspective...

My husband and I had an interesting conversation last weekend that I thought I’d share, as it gives perspective to the craziness that I wrote about in my previous post on “The Crazy Season” that I wished I had remembered this week.

This is the part that I remember he said: We have to recognize that life is all a game of personalities, and not get ensnarled in it.  We are just players in “the game” and everyone has their role to play.   And sometimes we feel we are constrained by “the game”, by life circumstances in the moment, even though we know on some level that we are not “the game” – we are not “the story” that is occurring, or the role we are playing at any given moment.  But we must always use our awareness to remember this – and see that it’s just a game – a story; to see that Beingness (Consciousness) takes a journey through the game of life (as us, as personalities.)  It’s all about the awareness of that…  Keeping perspective depends on how you *see* things. 

Also see these related posts - Divine Drama and, Life is a Sand Fantasy

Photo: Shadow on the wall,
but if you look at it with soft eyes
you can see an elongated face
with a feather on its head,
or a candle with a flame...
Perspective is always changing...


  1. thanks for sharing this and also your previous post thoughts. Isnt this similar to whosie's cave? I had his name in my head two seconds ago and now its gone. Plato. that's it.

    Nice you have a husband who enjoys discussing these ideas with you. be of good cheer, suki

    1. Thank Suki - Love that - "whosies cave" :) Yes, that we are only seeing the shadows of the real... Yes, I enjoy getting into these deeper conversations with B. They are good reminders about what is real and what isn't. And as you see from my previous post, how easily I get caught by the unreal. :)

  2. We are not the game ... we are not the story - so true, and so easy to forget!

    1. Yes, seeing that we are more than the story. We are Beingness ItSelf *playing* the game! :)

  3. Hi, Christine! Lovely to catch up with you after returning from some travels and Thanksgiving break--we took an impromptu visit to the US to see my family. And we encountered a lot of Christmas already while we were there...LOL! I'm not a Christmasy person. I was raised Catholic, but am now a practicing Buddhist and also have interest in Earth-based religions. So I'm more Winter Solstice than Christmas. My husband is the same. But most all our family and those around us are big Christmasy people... and we are "expected" to join in as we were raise that way, etc. We also opt for a more simple way of living, minimal almost, you could call it, that most around us don't get either. This also includes our trimmed down celebrating of "the holidays". All the commercial craziness, the mountains of STUFF, the stress... I don't want any of it. Yet I dip into this because of expectations and trying to make others happy. While we were now down to gift giving to the kids in the family as well as parents, it still feels like a lot. And I find myself falling into traps. I'm in a place of trying to find a harmony in all there is to do at the moment and still find time to enjoy the things I love to do--like painting, etc. This time of year is such a challenge for many in this respect. I suppose the thing to remember is that in between the darkness, there is the light. ;o)

    1. For sure this time of year tends to pull us in many directions, away from our Heart's journey. How ironic! And the focus does seem to be on the expectations that one will just go along, and a sense of obligation, trying to keep everybody happy. Brings up our dysfunctional roles! That's why I call it the Crazy Season :) lol. But, remembering that the Light/Solsitce is really the reason for the season, and keeping perspective, spending as much time as possible in the Quiet and solitude of inner Presence are my balms for the frenetic pace.

  4. so true... a wise man... and how we see shifts continuously.

    1. Absolutely :) Perspective shifts all the time, like how one sees that photo. Sometimes I see a candle, and sometimes a Native American Indian Face with a feather. :)

  5. ye! it's all just part of the Matrix Neo!


    how comforting and delicious it must to have someone, close, who enjoys such discussions. sigh

    1. Hey Morpheus! Yeh, and I seem to be taking too many Blue Pills lately... lol

      Yes, it is what attracted me to him in the first place, the ability for deep discussion. Yet we also have a very intense relationship, with a lot of mis-communication!


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