We are told in certain "traditions" that everything is Consciousness,
Awareness, Eternal Beingness, The Essential Self... Plug in
whatever works for you - "God", The Ineffable, The Unknown, etc.
"IT", they say, is everywhere at the same time, aware of
everything that is occurring all at once. I actually had this
experience while sitting in a doctor's waiting room. I was
suddenly aware of what was AWARE of me sitting there -
and that "IT" was everywhere, awaring everything in the room.
It was "me", but also a greater "Awareness" than my own.
The mind can't really fathom such abstractions, so it creates words,
creation stories, and images, like "God", Buddha, Shiva, and other
deities, which personifies (person-ifies) what cannot be person-ified,
to try to explain what cannot be explained - including words like
Beingness, Consciousness, and Awareness... :) Non-dual language.
There is just this pure Space of Awareness, they say - what my
husband calls the "Portal of Eternity." Works for him :) I
experience "IT" as an alive Space of Silence within. Everything
is felt to be suspended in, and infused with this Silence that just IS -
including you and me. A mystery...
The "trick", as I'm discovering ever slowly, is to see from a
Cosmic Perspective, rather than the "Earth mind" that only sees
the "Earth mind" as real; does not see the bigger picture of being
suspended/infused in/with "The Infinite", but only thinks its
immediate reality is real - when it is only a part of a much larger
Cosmic Reality - of which the Earth experience is a part. As my
husband says, the dynamics of the Cosmos has its own way -
and you can't manipulate it. There's something bigger going on here.
How would life change for humanity if we started to see our lives
in this way, from the perspective of Cosmic Consciousness that
sees the whole picture? What would happen if we started viewing
each other from the Cosmic Perspective? Something I fail at
miserably - continuing to be distracted by the externals of life, on
the surface of life - entangled in the emotions that creates.
But maybe this Cosmic Perspective is the dis-entanglement from
the matrix of our personal life dramas - to see all of existence from
a different perspective - to see the Infiniteness and True Nature of
all things - of all Existence.
We are breathed by the Cosmic "Spirit", if you will. Some call it
The Silence, or even The Holy Spirit... I feel IT when sitting in the
Space of Silence within - the Still Point. This, for me, is intimacy
with my "Eternal Being" - this sense of intimate connection through
the breath of Silence. This energy/vibration runs through the whole
body, is in every cell.
"IT" is what we abide in naturally and don't even realize it. We
are not always aware of it, don't have a felt sense of it,distracted
again and again by the externals of life and living. Pure Cosmic
Energy is what we breathe, and what breathes us, is what bathes the
cells, and permeates "our" world. This "Divine Energy" of Life
continues on after death, but we focus on the physicality and not
the Universal Energy that sustains and animates the body - that
which never dies. We only see personalities playing out their roles
here, not the Beingness, or True Nature, or Essence of the "person."
At least from my perspective :)
It seems all so esoteric and yet we can feel the realness of "The
Mystery" of it - experientially - through our awareness, or direct
experience of IT. In the Silence of Being I can feel this Infinite
Energy, the Universal Source coursing through my body - and
know that THAT is who I am, at the core of my being - not my
person-ified identity...
And yet, I remain distracted by this external identity that clouds
the Cosmic Perspective...
Mystic Meandering
Taken from my Journal notes
Photo - Mystic Meandering