Free to be just as I am…
because ultimately
all there is, is “I” –
the Essential “I” -
along with some mental misperceptions
of who “I” is…
There is only Beingness being,
only Consciousness awareing;
Self expressing ItSelf as
’just this’ -
”I” as “me” – “me” as “I” – i/I
Formless as form,
Form as formless…
Opening to the “whole” ~ i/I
we are free to be ourselves,
just as we are…
When we know this
“something” wakes up inside
and hums…
Everything hums with the recognition of
the “whole” ~
inside and outside…
Everything is OM ~
the hum of Life ~ humming…
We are resting in That – already.
We are playing in the play of Life,
as i/I~
with “other” expressions of i/I
all playing in the sandbox of Life…
When we let go of the words
and the frameworks of interpretation
we are free just to be
- as we are –
letting go of the frameworks of
i/I, I/me and ”no-me”
and just Living…
Once the framework is allowed to fall away
we are free to express
in whatever way Self expresses,
because we know it is Self expressing self…
There is something authentic and freeing
in just allowing everything to be as it is;
in allowing myself to be
as “I” am…
Life is met from a different space ~
the space of the Heart…
Play well!
Mystic Meandering
January 30, 2011