In the Autumn of life...
I no longer care for "knowledge of",
In words, concepts and theories,
For the highest knowledge possible
Remains but yet another veiling.
In words, concepts and theories,
For the highest knowledge possible
Remains but yet another veiling.
And yet...
The mind continues as it has,
Reveling in its noble quest,
Behaving according to its nature,
Only now, knowing full well the futility.
In the Autumn of life...
I no longer care for "understanding",
Arriving at logical "conclusion",
For the deepest understanding possible,
Remains but yet another veiling.
And yet...
The mind continues as it has,
Devouring whatever crumbs might fall,
From the Table of The Great Mystery,
Only now, knowing full well the futility.
And yet, in the Autumn of life...
Reveling in its noble quest,
Behaving according to its nature,
Only now, knowing full well the futility.
In the Autumn of life...
I no longer care for "understanding",
Arriving at logical "conclusion",
For the deepest understanding possible,
Remains but yet another veiling.
And yet...
The mind continues as it has,
Devouring whatever crumbs might fall,
From the Table of The Great Mystery,
Only now, knowing full well the futility.
And yet, in the Autumn of life...
I see the Blessing is born of our entirety:
The mind's desperate need to Know,
The Heart's desperate desire to Feel,
The Soul's desperate longing for Union...
The mind's desperate need to Know,
The Heart's desperate desire to Feel,
The Soul's desperate longing for Union...
Here... in the Autumn of life...
Chuck Surface
Excerpt: In The Autumn Of Life
Excerpt: In The Autumn Of Life